Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

“Do I feel lucky?” Well do ya, punk? Why MoviePass’ subscription service failed
For all the success stories of the booming subscription industry, we cannot forget there are some high-profile failures of the model too. MoviePass, the cinema ticket subscription service, was once the stuff that dreams are made of; now it’s a business for ants. Adam Hughes performs the post-mortem on this now-bankrupt cinema subscription service to see what their mistakes could mean for other subscription businesses.

Head in the clouds or back down to earth?

Four hopes and expectations for MWC20
MWC Barcelona is coming up once again, with Cerillion demonstrating its full product suite alongside the latest industry developments, innovations and more. Brian Coombs, Cerillion Product Director, shares what he hopes to see around the exhibition and compares this with what he expects to be the reality.

Top Five Subscription Business Trends for 2020
As we usher in a new decade for the subscription industry, there is no doubt that businesses in the space will find more ways to engage customers, create new revenue streams and innovate with unique approaches. Shashank Venkat looks into the trends that mark the beginnings of a period where the subscription model is poised to become the default for most businesses.

OpenRAN gains further momentum with Vodafone, MTN push
Recently, Vodafone surprised the telecoms industry by announcing that it is thinking about shifting its entire European mobile sites to Open Radio Access Network (OpenRAN) technology. MTN has also announced a new partnership with Parallel Wireless to deploy 5,000 OpenRAN sites in Africa. Is this the spark OpenRAN needs to succeed?

From microservices to hybrid services architectures
Microservices architecture has been hyped as the latest and greatest software model that will increase your flexibility, accelerate time-to-market and underpin your digital transformations. However, it’s not without its drawbacks. Brian Coombs, Product Director at Cerillion, explains why a pragmatic approach is required to ensure microservices are used where there are significant benefits to be gained, and not just for the sake of it.

Celebrating 20 years of Cerillion
Following our 20th birthday on 4th October, we have been sharing our highlights of #TheCerillionYears on our social media channels. Here’s a special blog post that looks back on Cerillion’s most important milestones and the evolution of the industry over the past two decades.

Billing grace periods set to enhance subscription experience and reduce churn
The subscription model is all about putting subscribers first and having a ‘grace period’ for payments and renewals is another way to show customers that your subscription business cares about them. In fact, Apple has recently rolled out this feature for App Store subscriptions highlighting its significance.

Twenty thousand cables under the sea: A brief history of submarine cable communications
The world takes internet communication for granted today, not giving much attention to the backbone driving this phenomenon. In fact, not many people know that 97% of global communications is carried by submarine cables in the sea and not through satellites as popularly believed. Dino Cano presents this interesting story.

Sharing Economy in the Telecommunications Industry: Open Access in Fibre Networks – Part 3
Open Access models are levelling the playing field for operators by offering a convenient plug-and-play infrastructure without heavy capital expenditure. In the third and last part of this blog series, Mukesh Binani looks closely at the revenue model, technical architecture, key features and implementation of Open Access in Fibre Networks.

Top Five Telecoms Trends for 2019
MWC 2019 is now behind us, and as usual the event showcased the latest technologies dotting the telecom landscape. Based on our learnings at MWC and the interactions with our customers and partners, we have identified five key trends that will drive the telecoms industry forward this year. There may be no big surprises, but rather a positive reaffirmation of the direction the stakeholders should take.

Digital Transformation begins with Network Transformation
The recently released results of the TM Forum’s bi-annual Digital Transformation Tracker serve as another reminder to CSPs to fast track their transformation initiatives. This third report in the tracker series, highlights the importance of network transformation and its role as a growth driver for telcos.

iPaaS: The pipework connecting the clouds
As cloud platforms become ubiquitous, iPaaS solutions are enabling businesses to simplify data integration, streamline integration flows, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Cerillion Skyline helps you maximise the capabilities present within iPaaS platforms.

5G: Driving change for BSS - Part 1
As telcos prepare for the upcoming 5G revolution, an important next step should be to overhaul existing Business Support Systems (BSS). In the first part of this blog series, Richard Doughty highlights some of the key 5G use cases and builds a case for resetting BSS.

Sharing Economy in the Telecommunications Industry: Open Access in Fibre Networks – Part 2
Open Access Networks (OAN) help telcos leverage the power of the sharing economy and accelerate progress through a collaborative approach. As OANs are increasingly adopted for mobile communication under the MVNO/E/A model, Mukesh Binani examines the model implemented in Fibre Networks.

Can subscription models disrupt the healthcare industry?
The healthcare sector is perfectly poised for subscriptions, and there is plenty of room for growth among the different areas of the industry. Faisal Hasan examines the reasons why subscriptions are a natural fit for the healthcare industry and looks at some successful examples.

GDPR: what we are doing to stay compliant
The GDPR will have a long-standing impact on the regulatory environment in the European union. As we approach the compliance deadline, we want to reassure our customers about our continued commitment towards data protection. Leonardo Hodgson, Product Manager at Cerillion, lists out the steps that we have taken to help businesses become GDPR compliant.

Sharing Economy in the Telecommunications Industry: A Guide to Open Access Networks - Part 1
Open Access Networks (OAN) help bring the benefits of the sharing economy to the telecoms industry, fast tracking its digital transformation. In the first part of this blog series, Mukesh Binani explores the key benefits and challenges of the open access approach.

Travel with your subscriptions: new digital media portability rules take effect in the EU
In line with the EU’s vision for a digital single market, new digital media portability rules have come into force from this month. The regulation mandates that paid online content providers such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video must offer cross-border portability to their subscribers. Shashank Venkat presents the details.

10 things you may have missed at MWC 2018
The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the showpiece event for the telecoms industry and is in many ways, the perfect launchpad for future technologies. So, what were some of the key trends emerging from MWC 2018? Brian Coombs recaps the event by picking out the themes that caught his attention.

Telcoin, the world’s first telecom-focused cryptocurrency, just joined GSMA
Blockchain technology holds great potential for various industries, including the telecoms sector. Telcoin, a new cryptocurrency company which recently became an official member of the GSMA, aims to bridge the gap that exists between telcos and blockchain technology. So, what’s the project all about? Shashank Venkat presents the details.

Customers love unlimited data, but is it a sustainable model?
Unlimited data plans are back in vogue after many big carriers started offering them again last year. While simplicity is not necessarily a bad thing, do such flat-rate bundles risk reducing operators to the proverbial dumb pipes? Dominic Smith seeks answers.

Why we can’t wait for MWC 2018
Despite some uncertainty caused by Catalonia’s recent independence crisis, the Mobile World Congress (MWC) returns to Barcelona from 26th February to 1st March and one thing that is certain is that it will be bigger and better than ever. Dominic Smith picks out a few technologies that will be hitting the headlines this year, and previews some of the solutions Cerillion will be showcasing.

Making the Platform-Play Pay
Digital transformation is fast at play across many industries, eliminating the laggards and empowering the adopters. One of the key aspects of this transformation is building a platform business. In the following excerpt from our latest digital transformation webinar, Richard Doughty elucidates the benefits of platform-play offerings and lays out a platform roadmap for CSPs.

Digital Transformation and BSS/OSS: what’s the reality?
Digital Transformation as a buzzword has been around in telecom circles for many years now, but Communication Service Providers have so far failed to realise its full potential. Saleh Bari analyses the trend and identifies ways telecom operators can revitalise their digital transformation efforts.

Blockchain opportunities for telecoms businesses
Blockchains are breaking away from their traditional bastion of fintech, and moving swiftly into other areas such as telecoms and healthcare. In the third part of our ‘future of telecoms’ blog series, James Savelli-Holt explores potential blockchain opportunities for telecoms businesses.

Is quantum computing the future of BSS systems?
The tech world is abuzz with the possibilities that lie within quantum computing. When the technology matures, it will hold immense promise for every industry and business process. So, will quantum computing give rise to all new ‘quantum billing’ and transform BSS systems? Saleh Bari certainly thinks so.

Why should digital subscribers care about net neutrality?
Internet giants such as Netflix, Facebook and Google, among others, have formed an unlikely coalition to go all out against the Federal Communications Commission’s proposed repeal of existing net neutrality provisions. Should subscribers to digital streaming services start to worry? Shashank Venkat finds out.