The 5G Growth Opportunity in Mobile Private Networks

New mobile private networks (MPNs) are currently being deployed at a rate never before seen, with annual spending in the sector now totalling USD10.9bn. As such, MPNs are being hailed as something of a surprise growth area for the telecommunications industry, however research shows that communications service providers (CSPs) are not the main players in this market. So while the spending on MPNs is forecast to grow, it is a wider group of service providers that are currently sharing the revenue opportunity in this market.
This paper reveals research from a survey of more than 160 CSPs worldwide, conducted by industry analysts Telecoms Tracker, providing a breakdown of MPNs by country, the forecast spending on MPNs through till 2025, as well as an analysis of the primary contractors for MPN deployments. It also digs into the most common private network use cases and looks at the synergies with IoT applications and services.