Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Don’t panic! Emergency text alerts are coming to your phone
Could a text message save your life in an emergency? From this summer, the UK Government will finally catch up with other countries and start sending out alerts to all mobile phones in the event of major accidents and disasters – why has it taken so long to implement this and what are the pitfalls to avoid?

Automation automation automation: the key to IoT monetisation
How can telcos turn billions of IoT connections into revenues to match? In his latest industry panel debate, Cerillion’s Richard Doughty talks strategies and opportunities for monetising the Internet of Things, and how providers can be more than just a dumb pipe.

Information wants to be free: telecoms under repression and unrest
In times of crisis and repression, telecom customers have been – and continue to be – subjected to restrictions on free communications to manage perceptions and stifle any dissenting voices. From Ukraine and Myanmar to Cuba and Afghanistan, how do telcos operating in unstable markets manage, and how have customers in these regions taken it upon themselves to improve services?

The B2B Experience Gap: why EX is the new CX, and how to fix “the jalopy of the industry”
It was a B2B customer experience reunion as we brought back panellists from Omnisperience, OCX Cognition and Lumen Technologies for a webinar on how telcos can engage their customers and build more business. Check out the panellists’ key takeaways below, and then watch the full replay.

Delivering a digital experience for the customer of the future
In the digital age, customer experience is as vital an area for transformation as services and infrastructure. What lessons can telcos carry over from B2C into the B2B market? Read the highlights from our recent Total Telecom Congress panel discussion.

Past its prime: what to do with legacy telecoms infrastructure?
Shutting down legacy telecoms services is a necessary task on the path to modernisation, but risks cutting vulnerable users off. How can telcos continue to innovate without leaving customers behind? And why are many telcos shuttering their 3G networks before 2G?

The Metaverse: where is telecom’s place within “the next Internet”?
It sounds like it’s been ripped from the pages of science fiction – and really, it has – but the Metaverse is being lauded by some as the next phase of communications, offering enhanced online experiences in a shared virtual environment. What role will telco firms play in this possible future?

The safety net: cybersecurity, telecoms, and remote working
With work-from-home becoming an increasingly appealing prospect in the long term, telecoms companies must guarantee that their remote cybersecurity systems are just as robust as their in-house provisions. What can telcos do to shield themselves from attack?

Fight For Your Right to Repair
Right to Repair legislation is increasingly gaining traction around the world, as customers demand the opportunity to make the most out of their electronic devices. But what is holding up the legal side of the battle? And what is being done in the meantime to extend the life of products?

Is it almost time up for SIM-locked handsets?
Mobile handsets locked to a particular network are becoming a thing of the past, as customers increasingly seek the freedom to move providers as they see fit. How are lawmakers around the world dealing with the matter, and why are service providers so reluctant?

Facebook brings conversation-based pricing to WhatsApp Business
Next year, WhatsApp will switch to a conversation-based pricing model for its Business app, charging companies per customer interaction. Could this model be the solution to its monetisation problem? And what can telcos learn about this value or outcome-based approach?

The psychology of subscriptions
Consumer psychology won’t let you brainwash customers into becoming loyal consumers, but it offers important lessons for subscription companies in designing their products and customer experience. We take a deep dive into the psychology of subscriptions, and try to separate the useful hacks from the useless hokum.

Low-income broadband: should telcos be obliged to provide?
Internet connectivity is increasingly being considered a utility, alongside gas, electricity, and water – but as a recent New York lawsuit has highlighted, telcos aren’t so excited by this news. To what extent should they be required to provide access to those on low incomes?

How TM Forum Open APIs are accelerating innovation & delivery at Cerillion
We all use APIs on a daily basis, without even realising; from signing into websites with a social media account to making payments online. Brian Coombs, Cerillion's Product Director, explains how TM Forum Open APIs are powering Cerillion products and continue to drive innovation.

Payment declines: how to fight back
More than a minor annoyance, payment declines are enough to halt a significant number of your online sales in their tracks. What can merchants do to protect themselves from the effects of these errors and safeguard their revenues, particularly when it comes to subscriptions?