Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Top Five Telecom Trends for 2023 – as voted for by you
The results are in! The top telecoms industry trends for 2023 as voted for by Cerillion’s followers on social media. How will artificial intelligence, the cost-of-living crisis, smart city developments and Open APIs leave their indelible mark on the sector over the next 12 months?

The B-Word: why are high-profile blockchain projects failing?
The recent failures of large-scale blockchain projects by both the Australian Securities Exchange and a joint IBM / Maersk shipping platform have spotlighted the difficulties of such major transformations. What lessons can telecoms companies learn when pursuing their own blockchain ventures?

Journey to the West? Can a WeChat-style superapp change telecoms as we know it?
Will we one day access all our lifestyle services from a single mobile app? Having taken Asian markets by storm, can all-encompassing superapps work in the West too? And is there room in this ever-expanding market for telcos to get involved?

Understanding your enterprise customers: what do they need and what do they expect?
When it comes to enterprise connectivity, is 5G now the be all and end all, or are other technologies an equal part of the equation? Richard Doughty and others set out to answer just that at this year’s Total Telecom Congress – read the highlights from the panel here.

Why telecoms customers might one day pay with crypto
In a world of ever-increasing digitalisation, payment methods are subject to unprecedented evolution, from traditional banking infrastructure to revolutionary cryptography, and ‘stablecoins’ that make cryptocurrencies a reality on the ground. Will Central Bank Digital Currencies be the tipping point at which telco customers will increasingly begin to pay cryptographically? Musaddik Ahmed investigates.

How can telcos keep their price promises during the cost-of-living crisis?
Following a recent government summit, UK telco bosses have made commitments to help customers with the rising cost of living. Implementing these promises will increase Customer Lifetime Value and make telcos more competitive. In this article, Musaddik Ahmed looks at how Cerillion can help keep the cost of telecom services down.

Telco customers are losing their data privacy. How can they get it back?
Despite the importance of protecting personal data being high on everyone’s minds, valuable information on all of us generated by and stored on our phones has never been more vulnerable. How is our data being used and abused, and can users see some of that value themselves?

Should big tech be forced to pay telcos for network use?
Could major US tech firms soon be paying their dues to telcos to fund network infrastructure upgrades in Europe? Perhaps, if the EU gets its way, but is this a vital new source of revenue for connectivity providers, or a profit-leeching protection racket?

Cerillion Graduate Scheme Interview: Natasha Ekrol
Cerillion’s graduate scheme seeks the brightest and best to join the team and foster their professional development as they advance through the company ranks. Adam Hughes speaks with Natasha Ekrol, graduate turned resident Head of Training Practice, about her journey so far.

How Cerillion is filling the B2B Experience Gap
Investing in and reinventing your B2B customer experience isn’t without its challenges, but it needn’t be so tricky – Leonardo Hodgson, Senior Product Manager, explains how Cerillion’s pre-integrated product suite can help improve your customer experience.

Decoding low-code & no-code
Is there a way for the code-shy to quickly become expert developers, capable of tailoring their business software as they see fit? Adam Hughes talks to Cerillion’s Product Director, Brian Coombs, about the rise of low-code and no-code applications, and how they’re making implementing Cerillion products simpler than ever.

Public or private: which cloud is right for you?
Public cloud infrastructure is the starting point for lots of discussions when our customers are looking at deployment options for a new project, but is it the only way to go? Adam Hughes talks to Cerillion’s Chief Technical Architect, Andy Blackman, on the options available to CSPs/DSPs when choosing the right cloud platform for them and some of the factors that might influence that decision.

Will the elderly be key to driving digital growth?
As the over-65 population across the world continues to grow, this previously tech-shy cohort will prove a greater source of revenues for mobile and internet than ever before. How can telcos continue to ensure inclusivity and fair pricing for their eldest users?

Are we one step closer to Rich Communication Services for all?
Are we getting closer to interoperability between messaging services? Will Rich Communication Services (RCS) be the key to breaking down the barriers between competing technologies, or will industry rivalries threaten to sink the whole matter?

Sorting the “money makers” from the “value-destroyers”
Could a small cohort of customers be costing you millions in profits? Telecoms companies must protect their revenues by focusing their energies on seeking out profitable subscribers. How can CSPs refocus their attention away from value-destroying customers and towards the money makers?

Et 4U, Brutus: Are telcos plotting to dominate the mobile handset sales market?
Did Britain’s biggest network operators engage in a “shadowy” conspiracy to consolidate the handset sales market, leading to the collapse of retailer Phones4U in 2014? As a major trial investigates these seismic claims, we take a look at independent mobile retailers, and how they’re resisting declining high street sales.

Follow the money: five insights from recent telecoms earnings reports
Is it time to get bearish or bullish with telecoms stocks? While we won’t advise you where to invest, we can answer the question – what do recent quarterly reports say about the state of the sector in the first three months of the year?

Subscription Traps: when taking advantage of a free offer takes advantage of you
Have you ever signed up for a free service, only to find yourself caught in a subscription you never asked for? Subscription traps are the latest dubious consumer practice being tackled by the authorities – how do companies create these subscription traps, and what can CSPs do to help prevent them?

Don’t panic! Emergency text alerts are coming to your phone
Could a text message save your life in an emergency? From this summer, the UK Government will finally catch up with other countries and start sending out alerts to all mobile phones in the event of major accidents and disasters – why has it taken so long to implement this and what are the pitfalls to avoid?

Automation automation automation: the key to IoT monetisation
How can telcos turn billions of IoT connections into revenues to match? In his latest industry panel debate, Cerillion’s Richard Doughty talks strategies and opportunities for monetising the Internet of Things, and how providers can be more than just a dumb pipe.

MWC22: a perverse traverse through the Metaverse
Brian Coombs reports back from this year’s MWC Barcelona, detailing the highs and lows from the showfloor – from the usual bricolage of 5G services and connected devices, to folding mobile phones, cyber-dogs, and the Metaverse causing more than a few eyes to roll.

Information wants to be free: telecoms under repression and unrest
In times of crisis and repression, telecom customers have been – and continue to be – subjected to restrictions on free communications to manage perceptions and stifle any dissenting voices. From Ukraine and Myanmar to Cuba and Afghanistan, how do telcos operating in unstable markets manage, and how have customers in these regions taken it upon themselves to improve services?

The B2B Experience Gap: why EX is the new CX, and how to fix “the jalopy of the industry”
It was a B2B customer experience reunion as we brought back panellists from Omnisperience, OCX Cognition and Lumen Technologies for a webinar on how telcos can engage their customers and build more business. Check out the panellists’ key takeaways below, and then watch the full replay.