Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Product rationalisation: why catalogue cleanliness is the foundation of the digital journey
Product catalogues provide the means to build, launch and manage all your offerings, but without the right controls they rapidly become clogged with an ever-growing list of outdated products and packages. How can CSPs tackle the challenge of legacy products and transform their catalogues into strategic assets?

Addressing the market of digital-first users
From cost-saving strategies to challenges in customer experience, the telecoms industry is adapting to a world driven by social media and digital commerce. Are CSPs equipped to meet the demands of this new era? In the first blog of a new series, Tiago Lopes examines the changing digital landscape and explores strategies for delivering exceptional customer experiences.

The B2B Experience Gap: what CSPs can learn from brilliant baristas
There’s a great deal that CSPs can learn from the humble barista when it comes to delivering a great customer experience. Ahead of our upcoming webinar, Omnisperience analyst, Georgina Elrington, outlines what the B2B sector can take from the world of B2C, and the microbusiness opportunity.

Sharing Economy in the Telecommunications Industry: Open Access in Fibre Networks – Part 3
Open Access models are levelling the playing field for operators by offering a convenient plug-and-play infrastructure without heavy capital expenditure. In the third and last part of this blog series, Mukesh Binani looks closely at the revenue model, technical architecture, key features and implementation of Open Access in Fibre Networks.

Making the Platform-Play Pay
Digital transformation is fast at play across many industries, eliminating the laggards and empowering the adopters. One of the key aspects of this transformation is building a platform business. In the following excerpt from our latest digital transformation webinar, Richard Doughty elucidates the benefits of platform-play offerings and lays out a platform roadmap for CSPs.

Digital Transformation and BSS/OSS: what’s the reality?
Digital Transformation as a buzzword has been around in telecom circles for many years now, but Communication Service Providers have so far failed to realise its full potential. Saleh Bari analyses the trend and identifies ways telecom operators can revitalise their digital transformation efforts.