Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Product rationalisation: why catalogue cleanliness is the foundation of the digital journey
Product catalogues provide the means to build, launch and manage all your offerings, but without the right controls they rapidly become clogged with an ever-growing list of outdated products and packages. How can CSPs tackle the challenge of legacy products and transform their catalogues into strategic assets?

Shaping customer experiences through product catalogue evolution
A product catalogue designed for swift discovery removes friction from sales and supports growth for both new and existing customers. As part of his series on the digital customer experience, Tiago Lopes considers how to continue the digital journey with a finely-tuned product catalogue and value-added non-telco products.

How can telcos keep their price promises during the cost-of-living crisis?
Following a recent government summit, UK telco bosses have made commitments to help customers with the rising cost of living. Implementing these promises will increase Customer Lifetime Value and make telcos more competitive. In this article, Musaddik Ahmed looks at how Cerillion can help keep the cost of telecom services down.

Will the elderly be key to driving digital growth?
As the over-65 population across the world continues to grow, this previously tech-shy cohort will prove a greater source of revenues for mobile and internet than ever before. How can telcos continue to ensure inclusivity and fair pricing for their eldest users?

Sorting the “money makers” from the “value-destroyers”
Could a small cohort of customers be costing you millions in profits? Telecoms companies must protect their revenues by focusing their energies on seeking out profitable subscribers. How can CSPs refocus their attention away from value-destroying customers and towards the money makers?