Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Network consolidation: good for telcos – better for customers?
The Vodafone-Three merger is on – provided the pair can convince regulators that the deal will not stifle competition in the UK telecoms market. Do network consolidations mean better service for customers, or does fewer providers guarantee higher bills?

Does the Online Safety Bill spell the end for WhatsApp in the UK?
The Online Safety Bill is back, putting end-to-end encryption in the UK under risk in the name of child safety. Why could the bill lead to WhatsApp leaving the country, and is there another way to protect users and their private communications?

Pay it their way: the impact of mid-contract price rises on phone & internet bills
As millions of UK customers face a shocking mid-contract price rise this month, in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, why are telcos allowed to get away with this, and will actions being taken to protect customers measure up?

Top Five Telecom Trends for 2023 – as voted for by you
The results are in! The top telecoms industry trends for 2023 as voted for by Cerillion’s followers on social media. How will artificial intelligence, the cost-of-living crisis, smart city developments and Open APIs leave their indelible mark on the sector over the next 12 months?

Will the elderly be key to driving digital growth?
As the over-65 population across the world continues to grow, this previously tech-shy cohort will prove a greater source of revenues for mobile and internet than ever before. How can telcos continue to ensure inclusivity and fair pricing for their eldest users?

Subscription Traps: when taking advantage of a free offer takes advantage of you
Have you ever signed up for a free service, only to find yourself caught in a subscription you never asked for? Subscription traps are the latest dubious consumer practice being tackled by the authorities – how do companies create these subscription traps, and what can CSPs do to help prevent them?

Is it almost time up for SIM-locked handsets?
Mobile handsets locked to a particular network are becoming a thing of the past, as customers increasingly seek the freedom to move providers as they see fit. How are lawmakers around the world dealing with the matter, and why are service providers so reluctant?