Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Understanding your enterprise customers: what do they need and what do they expect?
When it comes to enterprise connectivity, is 5G now the be all and end all, or are other technologies an equal part of the equation? Richard Doughty and others set out to answer just that at this year’s Total Telecom Congress – read the highlights from the panel here.

Nanobusiness: is your business ready?
Service providers are outdoing one another to make 5G and FTTP announcements. But where are the new revenues going to come from to pay for these investments? Many are turning their attention to the business market. But with more people working from home - either for environmental reasons or, latterly, for business continuity purposes during the global coronavirus crisis – and many others becoming entrepreneurs or juggling side gigs, the business market itself is changing. Guest blogger, Teresa Cottam, looks at these changes and offers some pointers as to how to position for the new opportunities being presented.