Cerillion Blog
The Cerillion Blog provides a regular feed of company news, industry insight and informed opinion, all delivered by a team of recognised experts from across the company

Billing grace periods set to enhance subscription experience and reduce churn
The subscription model is all about putting subscribers first and having a ‘grace period’ for payments and renewals is another way to show customers that your subscription business cares about them. In fact, Apple has recently rolled out this feature for App Store subscriptions highlighting its significance.

5G: Driving change for BSS - Part 1
As telcos prepare for the upcoming 5G revolution, an important next step should be to overhaul existing Business Support Systems (BSS). In the first part of this blog series, Richard Doughty highlights some of the key 5G use cases and builds a case for resetting BSS.

Is quantum computing the future of BSS systems?
The tech world is abuzz with the possibilities that lie within quantum computing. When the technology matures, it will hold immense promise for every industry and business process. So, will quantum computing give rise to all new ‘quantum billing’ and transform BSS systems? Saleh Bari certainly thinks so.