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Network Inventory

Optimise Your Network

Cerillion Network Inventory is a powerful, integrated suite of software products designed to complement and extend GE Grid Solutions' Smallworld Network InventoryTM software.

The huge capital investments required to build out network infrastructure means that it is crucial to effectively manage and optimise network operations not just for maximum RoI, but also to deliver the best possible network experience for your customers. The foundation for this is an integrated and robust network inventory that reflects the true status of your physical and logical network assets, enabling automated service fulfilment and streamlined network planning.

Cerillion Network Inventory (CNI) is a network asset management solution that is pre-integrated within the Cerillion product suite as well as being available for standalone project deployments. Designed to manage both physical and logical assets, networks can be modelled accurately and flexibly from the core network all the way to the customer premises, supporting capacity planning and service assignment for all fixed and mobile networks, including both inside and outside plant.

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Key Benefits of Cerillion Network Inventory

Visibility of key resources

Marketing, sales and capacity planning for NextGen networks co-ordinated through visibility of service uptake and spare network capacity information.

On-time service delivery

One-click service fulfilment through automated service assignment solutions integrated with CRM, provisioning and billing.

Faster response

Fault closure and service order apps provided on smartphones to speed up service delivery and restoration.

Key Features of Cerillion Network Inventory

netCapacity provides visibility of resource usage, tracking and reporting asset usage through the planning and design process which enables the management and optimisation of the use of network and civil assets. It allows users to accurately define, reserve, assign, manage and report on key resource capacities across the entire physical plant in a single, integrated, modular and scalable solution.

Visualisation and Reporting - netCapacity is fully integrated with the GE Energy Physical Network InventoryTM graphical user interface, allowing users to view and query usage and threshold information through the object editors or map view.

Site Capacity - Includes planning and management of co-location, floor and rack space as well as powering, A/C and other auxiliary equipment.

Network Capacity - Supports capacity planning and management of network resources such as ports, copper pairs and optical fibres.

Civils Capacity - Supports capacity planning and management of underground route, duct and conduit space within a telecom network. 

Wireless Mounting Space - When used together with netWireless, it is possible to manage the capacity usage of mounting spaces on wireless structures like cross-braces, the sides of buildings, on tower platforms, masts and mounting poles.

netAssign is used to manage resources and support service assignment for copper, fibre, coax and wireless networks. The resources managed include connected fixed and wireless network sections as well as active and passive network equipment. Configurable assignment rules support service routing for a variety of services including traditional copper telephony, Next Generation broadband and ultra-high broadband over Passive Optic Networks (PON).

Automated Service Routing - Building on GE Energy’s Physical Network InventoryTM (PNI) product, netAssign provides optimal engineering and design solutions for connecting customer locations to existing network infrastructure and to design services.

Visibility of Network Resource Utilisation - netAssign  tracks the use of all network resources both in the ‘As-built’ record and open designs providing a consolidated view of current and planned network usage. Colour coded information is provided to the user on the usage of ports, fibres and copper pairs in the system.

Improved Service Levels - netAssign provides powerful and intuitive query support. By simply selecting a network resource such as a fibre sheath, port or shelf, all of the services routed over or through that equipment can be viewed and reported on. 

netWireless supports mobile network planning for point to point systems, signal propagation, modelling of wireless equipment and structures with association of technology-specific coverage areas and cells. Providing connectivity and integration between wireless and fixed line networks, broadcast and point to point transmission for end to end system management.  

Wireless Inventory Modelling - netWireless enhances GE Energy’s Physical Network InventoryTM (PNI) product adding functionality for designing, modelling and reporting wireless network structures, mounting radio system components and radio route connectivity.

Wireless and Wireline Integration - Radio systems and radio routes are fully integrated with the standard PNI rack mounted equipment and cable models, allowing users to trace the network through the antennae and over the radio routes, assign circuits and manage bandwidth using GE’s Logical Network InventoryTM.

Broadcast and Point to Point Transmission - Besides providing tools to create point to point radio routes, netWireless also provides a point to multipoint designer to assist end-to-end planning of cellular and WiMax networks.

Documentation of Coverage Areas and Cells - netWireless provides additional support for associating technology-specific coverage areas to wireless infrastructure, providing visualisation  of the coverage from a tower or radio system.

netBusiness provides a set of Web Services designed to support automated service assignment, resource allocation and access to service routing information. Operators have deployed netBusiness to enable one-click service order delivery, integrating their network and service inventory solution with order handling, works management and provisioning systems. This has greatly reduced the time taken to provide services.

Business Process Automation - The netBusiness API includes functions to support service qualification, resource reservations, everything required to support sales, orders and routing information. These can be integrated with other enterprise systems to enable business process automation.

Service Design Automation - When new service Work Orders are created through the netBusiness API, a series of netBusiness jobs automatically pick these up and progress them, linking with Smallworld Design Manager Projects or netAssign as required.

Enterprise Access to Information - As well as enabling business process automation, the netBusiness API supports straightforward integration with other business applications, opening up information on service routing, Work Order status and more to everyone in your company.

Once only Field Data Entry - Once a Field Engineer completes a services order or closes a fault, they can also use netBusiness to update the ‘As Built ‘ data in Smallworld.

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