Cerillion Blog - Internet of Things
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Top Five Telecom Trends for 2023 – as voted for by you
The results are in! The top telecoms industry trends for 2023 as voted for by Cerillion’s followers on social media. How will artificial intelligence, the cost-of-living crisis, smart city developments and Open APIs leave their indelible mark on the sector over the next 12 months?

Automation automation automation: the key to IoT monetisation
How can telcos turn billions of IoT connections into revenues to match? In his latest industry panel debate, Cerillion’s Richard Doughty talks strategies and opportunities for monetising the Internet of Things, and how providers can be more than just a dumb pipe.

Smart Devices, Smarter Billing: Subscriptions in the IoT Age
Businesses across all industries are identifying new and increasingly innovative sources of revenue, thanks to the ever-growing opportunities presented by the Internet of Things (IoT). How can subscription businesses capitalise on the potential of embedded sensor-based technology?

Top Five Telecoms Trends for 2019
MWC 2019 is now behind us, and as usual the event showcased the latest technologies dotting the telecom landscape. Based on our learnings at MWC and the interactions with our customers and partners, we have identified five key trends that will drive the telecoms industry forward this year. There may be no big surprises, but rather a positive reaffirmation of the direction the stakeholders should take.

Is quantum computing the future of BSS systems?
The tech world is abuzz with the possibilities that lie within quantum computing. When the technology matures, it will hold immense promise for every industry and business process. So, will quantum computing give rise to all new ‘quantum billing’ and transform BSS systems? Saleh Bari certainly thinks so.