Cerillion Blog - Regulation & Compliance
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Has dynamic pricing gone too far? Definitely, maybe
Dynamic pricing has left many looking back in anger lately, with some brandishing the practice as unfair. However, dynamic pricing is all around us, and can often be beneficial to all parties - how can telcos ensure that customers see it that way too?

Can broadband “nutrition labels” make connectivity more digestible for customers?
The FCC now requires service providers in the US to slap “nutrition labels” on their fixed and wireless plans to stop customers gorging themselves on bad broadband. Will this move create a healthy market for customers, or leave a bad taste?

From anonymity to accountability: does mandatory SIM card registration actually work?
At the end of this month, Namibia will introduce mandatory SIM card registration, joining hundreds of other countries in tying users’ SIM cards with their personal data. What’s the reasoning behind this rule, and should customers keep their (SIM) cards close to their chests instead?

Trust, but verify: the risks and rewards of vendor relationships
Partnering with a vendor opens up your business to new collaborative opportunities, but also brings new risks to the integrity of your organisation. When choosing a new supplier, what must companies do to ensure their networks and BSS/OSS remain secure and their reputations intact?